Digital Media Sales Certification
Exam Information
All candidates that apply for the DMSC certification will have 6 months following their application date to successfully complete the DMSC examination.
Individuals that do not pass their exam will have to wait until they receive their official score report and pay a $175 re-test fee.
Anyone that exceeds the 6 months exam timeline will have to re-apply for the exam and pay all applicable fees.
Examination Blueprint
Comprehend Digital Advertising Ecosystem
- Explain marketing models
- Describe the digital landscape
- Describe digital advertising formats and platforms
- Define key digital advertising tools and technologies
- Adhere to compliance standards/policies
Sell Digital Advertising Solutions
- Identify client
- Determine client needs
- Align digital advertising solutions with client needs
- Establish client KPIs
- Design and present client proposal
- Negotiate contractual agreement
Manage Digital Advertising Campaigns
- Launch digital advertising campaign
- Monitor digital advertising campaign
- Optimize digital advertising campaign
Evaluate Performance
- Analyze campaign delivery
- Analyze campaign performance against KPIs
- Review opportunities to renew or upsell digital advertising campaign